Everything I Wish Of You

by Never URs   Jan 30, 2007

I wish that you would love me,
the way that I love you.

I wish that you would look at me,
the way that you used too.

I wish your shame would go away,
from just being by my side.

I wish you would forgive me,
if you don't I will die.

I wish you would think of me,
just like I think of you.

I wish you would hang out with me,
whenever I call you.

I wish you wouldn't ignore me,
and that we could just be friends.

I wish that we could get together,
every now and then.

I wish you didn't hate me,
because I do love you.

I wish that you would hug me,
with the same passion that you used to use.

I wish that you would kiss me,
while starring in my eyes.

I wish that you uncovered the flames,
that are hidden in this mess.

I wish you would talk to me,
about things happening to you.

I wish you would update me,
about stuff you like to do.

I wish we could just be cool,
I'm sorry for starting this.

I wish you would acknowledge me,
without your harsh regret.

I wish you would hear my cries,
when I needed help from you.

I wish you would hear my prayers,
when I pray so hard for you.

I wish you would hear my wishes,
but your oblivious as can be.

I wish that you would love me,
but you mean more to me.

I wish that you would admit your heart,
to things that I don't know.

I wish that you would confess your soul,
of things I'm willing to know.

I wish that you would trust me again,
and let my heart open to you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Holly Nicole Williams

    Hey girl! Sorry that it took me so long to reply back. I have't been on this site much anymore. But I really REALLY liked this poem! I really feel as if I can relate to it with my own personal life. Two thumbs up on this one!

    <3 Holly

  • 18 years ago

    by Megan

    Loved it. Great job. Thanx for commenting on mine

  • 18 years ago

    by INCEE

    This poem relates to a relationship that i am currently in i totally understand. I loved it.

  • 18 years ago

    by EmilyAnn

    I l0VE THiS P0EM!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jovanna

    I really like this one A LOT. geeze were just some poor girls that like ass-hole guys, that just dont know what that have is good.