Comments : Friends Forever

  • 18 years ago

    by The lil angel

    Love the poem lol....comment bac

  • 18 years ago

    by The lil angel

    I can never wait to see you,
    but when I do,
    I need to get that out of my view-

    her with you

    I love that quote it rocks lol comment back

  • 17 years ago

    by Daniel J

    Now this is a good poem, with much potential to turn into a brilliant poem. As it stands, I gave it a 5/5.

    Of course, you must do to your poem what you think is right and leave us critics in the dust, so never feel obligated to like or agree with the ideas of a critic like myself. But consider the following:

    Long talks, pillowfights
    inside jokes, sleepless nights
    lots of laughing for an hour*
    over jokes that never sour,
    talking of the guys we like
    singing to the songs we love
    making lots of prank phone calls,
    talking through the bathroom stalls,
    all of this I've done with friends,
    heres to hoping it never ends

    *(Laughing for over an hour?)
    As I said, 5/5 as it stands, for the pattern and idea of the poem alone.

  • 17 years ago

    by Marjan

    It's really great to see someone happy just as much as it's saddening to hear of the sadness of another.
    happy to hear you're happy Sara :)
    (quite a lot of girls in Iran have the same name as yours. here it's pronounced differently though. but I myself love the way it's pronounced in English. it makes it prettier :) )
    oh and thanks for your comment on my poem Sara! I'm happy you liked it.
