I am stuck

by silent me   Jan 31, 2007

To everyone, I need your opinion. I am shy but I want to tell the one I love that !I do love her!, even if she loves someone else :for now: cause in the end she will be mine cause I love her more. I know it.

But to warn you this does not rhyme but I am writing one that does now too. So just wait.

Should I go for it and go talk to Maisy. Should I tell her straight out that I love her, even tho she is going out with someone else?

So comment plz and tell me whether I should go talk to her, and say my true feelings or should I wait a bit longer?

Thank you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by lisa

    Get ova yourself okay

    she probably barks realli loud anyways

  • 18 years ago

    by Jochsey

    Well just let them be. David and maisy are a perfect couple and they couldnt be happier together. What sort of position do you think she will be in if you tell her that!?

  • 18 years ago

    by Static

    Dude, what are you doing. If you love her so much do u wanna see her in all the pain of breaking up? or you fighting over her. no. as the best friend of the guy she is going out with i formally say plz dnt hurt her or him. They r great for eachother and personally id hate to see someone mess such a wonderful thing up. Do what is right, let her be happy.

    I know you will be conciderate James

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