by HisForeverIWillBe   Jan 31, 2007

She can rember the last time she felt like this,
When he left her how she missed his kiss,
How strong and passionate it was and how she felt like and angel,
she was sure she was in love with god himself and that was her angle,
But now when she looks at this boy she keeps thinking how can i do this again?,
he makes her feel as though she will win,
And when theyt kiss her problems just leave,
The best night she can rember in a long time was when they were together on christmas eve,
She thinks only of him,
And she tries to control her love so she wont have to go through the pain again,
She tries to tell herself she doesnt love him,
but as her feelings leak through she finds shes falling hard,
But in the rain alone she stands in the yard,
And she rembers their first kiss,
How for so long after she longed for his lips,
How he means the world to her but she will only show,
She will not tell him so he may never know,
That if they were to separate she would not only cry,
But how sure she is that she would die,
She swore that she would never love again,
oh but how SHE TRULY LOVES HIM!!!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Boy

    How he means the world to her but she will only show,

    i love this line all thepoem is very good. may you live long andwrite more. take care..

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