Life is what I fear..

by Holly   Jan 31, 2007

No one has noticed the one sees the one can help me through this time...I am left alone drowning in my fear all for something I am not even sure I've felt...the guilty party is love but it wasn't true so now I lay here and burn...

First the heat starts at my heart...I am full of lust for this one person and slowly it turns to love. I am falling apart now trying to make him see I am all he needs...only to be left behind dreading the sunlight...wishing to stay in the dark so no one can see the tears....

The light appears and I smile for the world can't let them see what I fear. Nothing is wrong can't you see the smile upon my face? Or do you see my heart falling apart from the depression I feel...can you hear it break? Can you see my pain?

I walk away slowly and stare into the mirror, only to see the reflection of a happy person...what a fake...stop smiling! Can't you feel this heart break? Hit the glass take a shard slit your the world a favor and end your pain...fall to the ground and slowly drain...

You see the light and start to walk toward it...unafraid to show your pain...happiness washes over you and the smiles are real...can you feel it you're no longer numb..that's what you need now take the glass and do your task...In the end you finally see it was life not death you feared....


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  • 18 years ago

    by gasping for air

    You did a great job.... only two suggestions. one being to put it in lines instead of paragraphs... second being using a little more descripitive different words that flow more... some of the words just dont flow with the rest of the poem.... but you did a really great job otherwise... so keep up the great work.
    take care

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