Under the Knife...Summer '06

by e l flo   Feb 1, 2007

I must be dreaming,
There is no way this is real.
I'm watching my life, but not living it,
I can't even feel.

I should be able to move my leg,
Just lift it one little inch.
Am i asleep? I must be,
So just give me a pinch.

No, it is not a dream,
This is my life.
It is painful not to be able to fight,
Sometimes it's hard going under the knife.

That is what got me here,
A surgery gone wrong.
But for a year I have fought,
Everyone says I am strong.

But I am not.
I cried every night this summer,
Just wishing for my old life;
Playing soccer and being a drummer.

This is a fight I can not win.
I try so hard,
But I can't try anymore.
Because of summer '06, I will always be scarred.

-Erin Floto (c)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Joe

    -nice I like it lots!

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    My fiance can relate to this completely. Because of a botched up operation, he may need a fake knee later in life when his finally gives out.
    You've really shown the hopelessness in this poem, it's well written