
by Ariana   Feb 1, 2007

They watch me
Falling apart
As I try to survive
A shattered heart

I try to pick up the pieces
But they slip right through my hands
Faster then it would
If I were holding sand

Sitting in my room
Knees pulled tightly to my chest
Warm, Salty tears slid down my cheeks
My make up was a mess

I keep looking at his pictures
Sliding my fingers over his face
The tears start to fall
At a faster pace

I remembers all the talks
The notes and the fights
The hugs and the kisses
The times he stayed the night

He broke my heart
Without knowing what he did
Because I never told him
The feelings I kept so well hid

I didn't want to hurt our friendship
I was way to scared
So telling him my feelings
I never dared

And now I'm left here:
Shattered heart full of regrets
A reason to keep trying
I haven't found yet


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  • 18 years ago

    by Victoria

    I love ur poem it is so good!!!!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Raina

    Men suck don't they!lol I like it

  • 18 years ago

    by katie

    Wow i really like it, its kinda like whats going on with me keep up the good work!!!!!