Run Deep Part 2

by Lil Bit   Feb 1, 2007

Tears rolling down her cheeks
Even thinking about him makes her weak
She's longing to be in his arms
For when she's with him, she can reach the stars
Her pain she cannot subside
And her tears, she tries to hide
The love she has for him is real
but not a soul in this world knows how she feels
Tears keep coming, her heart sinks deeper
She gasps for breath as her knees get weaker
Her cries start to subside beacuse she's running out of tears
She's in the memories of everything they've shared
The love, the hate, resentment and the pain
Tears start to trickle down her cheeks again like rain
Her emotions overload
Because she reaches out for no hand to hold
She just wants to give it another try
Just to ask, why he makes tears fall from her eyes?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Romantic Lover

    Great job.

  • 18 years ago

    by princesrainbow

    U did ur best but u still have something inside you so keep up the good work..... if u dont who or wat is ur inspiration on making poetries... and if u have time plzzz check me out ill wait for u.... i beg ya

  • 18 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Great poem

    keep them coming dear

    all the best and take care

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