
by Katie   Feb 1, 2007

I see you in my dreams often.
It helps me through the day.
I miss you more than some I think.
More than I can say.

I remember the last day I had.
The last day to say goodbye.
Boys walking slowly, seeing them cry.
They carried your casket with such care.
Such pride.

I stood, motionless.
Watching them lower you into the ground.
I couldn't bear it.
The pain, the loss.
I felt my heart pound.

It was finally time.
Time to say goodbye.
The last day I had.
To show you my pride.

I let the tears show.
Remembering you.
The times we had.
And the memories that grew.

I'll never forget you.
Or the times we shared.
You'll be in my heart.
And know that you cared.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Rob Matt

    Wow the emotion is super good. the rhyme scheme is off a bit with the stanzas with 5 lines, but its still good

  • 17 years ago

    by Katie


  • 17 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    Writing is so great for venting out thoughts....thanks so much for rrc on my poem :)

    I liked this poem alot, I think it describes your feelings really well and alot of ppl can relate

    keep it up :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Connie

    What a well written poem about such a personal loss. You expressed your feelings about the loss of this special person so well ~ thank you for sharing.

  • 18 years ago

    by sibyllene

    I hope writing this helped you sort out your feelings. I know it always helps me. I really like the concept you have in this poem about "pride" in the one you lost. I think the stanza about the pall-bearers was the strongest section. Your rhyme-scheme is fairly simple, but not so repetitive, and in this case, i htink that's actually a strength. use the content to determine the form of the poem, not the other way around. All in all, this was a heartfelt piece, not necessarily meant to impress people with tricky style - you just wanted to get your meaning across, and I think you succeeded well. My only grammar note is that "bare" should be "bear." Good work, and I hope this poem helped.