Loving Him

by Jamica   Feb 1, 2007

Loving him is something you feel deep down inside
Loving him is something that sometimes you must hide
Loving him is having him always in your heart
Loving him is needing him right from the very start
Loving him is keeping him always by your side
Loving him is having fun with everything you've tried
Loving him is knowing that he'll be there to stay
Loving him makes it fun to go all the way
Loving him is keeping secrets just between you two
Loving him is softly whispering "I Love You"
Loving him is not believing everything you hear
Loving him is asking him without any fear
Loving him is being there through all his ups and downs
Loving him is forgiving him when he acts like a clown
Loving him is all the chills you get from every kiss
Loving him is leaving him and knowing it's him you'll miss

So, if you ever fall in love remember what you've heard.
Because once you fall in love with him you never will be cured.
Before you give your love to him remember from the start.
That once you give your love to him.
He'll only BREAK YOUR HEART!!!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Miss you where ru

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    This was a very good write. I really thought this was well put together. The only line I wasn't crazy about was the fourth one. It sounds a little forced and I've heard it again and again. But it's good nevertheless. Nice job! And thanks for all your sweet comments!

  • 18 years ago

    by Cassandra Wojick

    This is a really great poem, keep up the great work,

  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    I agreee very strong piece, very well written.


  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I love ur poem and i got to tell u
    i have broke my wife's heart
    i've left her down so many times
    but i love her like the air i breathe
    its funny to this very second just the
    smell of her skin makes me nuts
    every night when she gets ready
    4 bed she puts on this show . she pretends like she does'nt see me staring at her she's so beatiful
    she takes my breathe away . really
    i astually stop breathing watching her
    and i've been with her since 1982
    yet drugs can even take this away
    thats why i want out and i want
    whatever life i can get . and i want this for u 2 i gotta stop writting right now cause i want to give her some
    attenant thats g rated