
by BeautifulDisaster   Feb 1, 2007

She knows what she wants,
but sometimes
shes too embarrassed to admit it.

She knows what she needs,
but everytime shes asked
shes scared to say it.

She knows what she has,
but its never enough
and shes not scared to admit that.

Everyone says,
she has everything
she wants,
that shes spoiled rotten.

Everyone says,
she doesnt need anything.
she has all
she could ever ask for.

Everyone says,
she has more
than she needs,
she has everything.

What everyone doesnt know,
is that shes scared to want
her boyfriend to love her.

What everyone doesnt know,
is that she needs
to be understood.

What everyone doesnt know,
is that all she has
is an abusive, alcoholic father.

No one hears her pain,
no one sees her hurt.

They all think shes perfect,
They all think shes amazing.

But little do they know,
she has more problems then they think.

She wears her shirts,
extra long
to hide the cuts & bruises.

She wears her skirts & dresses,
long enough
to hide the scars.

Walking down the hallway
everyone greets her,
her fake smile fools everyone.

Little do they know,
her smile is hiding something
they cant handle.

Her smile is hiding the tears,
how they were caused
and who caused them.

Her smile hides the pain,
the one feeling
she cant seem to elude from.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    I loved the story you told it was absoulty wonderfully written. The word choice was good, the emtions were deep. It didn't have mush of a flow, but it didn't matter, I was too engrossed in the read. So it keep my attention.
    Really you did an amazing job 5/5 although you deserve more.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    I can relate once again I've come to really enjoy your peoms !!!! I lvoed this one!

  • 18 years ago

    by ellewen

    I think for the most part you were completely off rhyhm or didn't have one. And completely too repetetive. But it's ok. You have good ideas, jist you don't really say what you have to say the best way that you can. As indivisuals your stanza's are impressive but they don't flow together and you dont really rhyme.

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Cute poem.. it flows nicely but the structure could use some work

  • 18 years ago

    by e LIZ a beth

    Wow. this was amazing... idk what to say. i feel like i was just reading the story of my life. i mean im not about to say i know how you feel because i dont. but im just letting you know, your not alone out there. it happens to the best of us. great job. and thank you. this poem really touched me.