Afraid of love

by Darkbreath   Feb 1, 2007

So afraid of a reaction
So afraid of love
Unsure what to say to you
Can I tell you what I've been thinking of?

You are my other halve
The better one I guess
Then tell me, though it is so clear
Why is it in my head such a mess?

I want to tell you, I love you dear
I want to tell you, that i truly miss you
Are you gonna run away?
Or will you tell me you love me too?

You told me I am so beautiful
You told me your feelings are very strong
Then why cant you say you love me?
Asking this from you, is it so wrong?

Please don't run away
Please come to me and stay
Because living this life without you
I dint think I will last a single day

Now that you know how bad it is
Now you know how I truly feel
Are you gonna run away?
Or shall we try to make this real

~darkbreath 01-02-2007~


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  • 14 years ago

    by Jack Nightengale

    Short, sweet, and touching. As deep as any ocean. It's Truly AAmazing!

  • 18 years ago

    by AwakeInDreamin

    I really liked this poem your an amazing writer and thanks for the comment on my poem my boyfriend and i just broke up too