A picture says a thousand words

by Brian n Josh   Feb 2, 2007

A picture says a thousand words
And lately those words have been all I've heard
Telling me of all the memories I miss
Each and every word

Looking at these pictures of the past
And all the fun we shared
All of the good times
I remember how much you cared

We all used to be so tight
It would take so much to pull us apart
Little did we know
That the pulling would soon start

First started all the bickering
Soon after came the fighting
It was like a fire of despair
Together we were lighting

Next came the taking sides
And the splitting of us in half
And never again would we share that fun
Never again would we share a laugh

I wish things were the way they were
I wish we could go back in time
I wish we could just start all over
Back when we were in our prime

But as for the bread of friendship
Its been fed to the birds
At least so Ive been told
By this pictures thousand words

By, josh


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  • 18 years ago

    by PJ

    Wow.. thats a great poem. Well said and I can relate so much even though sometimes I dont want to admit it :-)) feel free to read some of my poems ;)

  • 18 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    Nicely done and well said! 5/5