Scars Put together by Torn Arteries and Slit Veins

by CJ Quintanilla   Feb 2, 2007

(this is a simple poem, but i like it. i didn't feel like i had to really explain on this one.)

i can't believe i fell in love with a cold heart
i can't believe i have nothing more than a mark

scars put together only by torn arteries and slit veins
what's left of me remains

unsaid and unheard of
from here to where i came from
one love, now i'm left with none


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  • 18 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    This short poem tells a lot man..i like it alot..very nice..rachy

  • 18 years ago

    by Danielle

    I really like this, its simple and to the point... yet in depth. keep it up, its really great