Comments : Your Life

  • 18 years ago

    by A Christoffer

    The flow staggered a lil bit in some places but overall was put together very well. the rhyming was a bit forced but still seemed to work all right except in the last stanza where the last two lines didnt rhyme. the story in the poem was very unique. it rose questions throughout the poem as to what exactly you were talking about and when i found out at the end it really had more of an impact, i liked it; i would give it realistically a 4.6/5 but i round up so u got a 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Rona

    I found this poem real interesting. I liked it. Just one tiny flaw I found and that is:
    "As I *stair* (stare) at the cover it sends shivers down my back"

    Overall, well done!

  • 18 years ago

    by Cella Bella

    I really liked this poem. Though, not all of the stanzas flowed as well as others, it was still a very good read 5/5
