The innocent Soul

by Dayshay   Feb 2, 2007

She was young and innocent
And beautiful as can be
She was also very kind
She wouldn't hurt anything as small as a leaf
She loved the beauty of nature
That inspired her the most
Her smile was more wonderful
Than seeing a rainbow
But there was something personal going on in her life
Her heart appeared to be dark with not one inch of light
In her home she was sad
She found no peace
Her mother's husband had the intentions t beat
Beat on her for no reason at all
Falling on the floor under her bed she would crawl
She told her mother what was happening to her
But her mother ignored her sher didn't even care
The girl closed her eyes tightly as her eye dropped a tear
One day her mother left her home alone
Alone with her step dad
The girl knew something was about to go wrong
She looked at him quickly
And ran to her room
He followed her swiftly
The girl couldn't out run the race
He threw her in the bed and punched her in the face
He hit her so hard
Her face was redder than blood
In his heart there was hate
He had no one inch of love
The girl was getting sick and tired of his mess
With her fingers she outlined a heart on her chest
She opened up her mouth and this is what she said
"I'm getting beat for no reason at all
My mom doesn't even care
On the earth i do think
I do not really belong here
I will find peace and happiness
Above the clouds in the sky
Lord, take my innocent soul away
Now it's time i die"
Once she was done the man beat her more
She closed her eyes as he threw her on the floor
She took her last breath as a tear fell from her eye
Now her soul rests
She no longer has to cry


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  • 18 years ago

    by Eman D

    "With her fingers she outlined a heart on her chest"

    out of all the lines this was my favorite...real sad but nice wasnt the typical suicide ending..5/5