Tiny Terror

by lovedxlost   Feb 2, 2007

I have a funny dog you see
Shes really very small
She loves to sit upon my knee
And act like she is tall

She wags her stubby tail
And struts about the place
Her vanity will never fail
She can always put a smile on my face

I love my tiny terror
She makes my life much brighter
In her mind she makes no error
Her love makes my heart lighter


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  • 18 years ago

    by Dark Demise

    Very nice =)

  • Thats so ....
    not sure but its good
    oh it's cute lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    I like this. It's too short, but I like it. When people write about their pets I often feel like they've sold the pet short by not going into a bit more detail. But then I also realise that some readers might not appreciate poetry with considered depth, so I wish you all the best in accumulating good reviews as I know a lot of people will enjoy this.

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