My Sister's Death Caused Mine

by Chemically Corrupted   Feb 2, 2007

I had a sister a few years ago
We would play and run in the snow
She had long brown hair
I was envious and I would stare

Her beauty was impossible not to love
Everyday she wore long gloves
She would lock herself in her room
I did not know what to assume

I would go and play alone
I pretended to be on a throne
I heard a scream that made me jump
I ran to my sister's room and saw a lump

I backed away as I saw the red
She could not, just could not be dead
I fell to the ground and began to cry
What happened to her? How'd she die?

I remember that day like it was yesterday
The only color for the past year was grey
I would not go out or play
I would always pray

I wanted her to come back
I died my hair black
And never wore any light shades
You know what slipped? My grades

My mom told me a year later
That my sister was a cutter
I realized how she died
Every night she would slide
The silver blade across her skin
How could she do such a sin?

I look at myself in the mirror
I wished she were nearer
I don't know why she would do such things
All I know is I want wings
So I can fly away
And never have to stay

I found a tall bridge
I looked over the ridge
I could jump and be saved from this pain
There would be a death again
I stood on the rail ready to jump
I wanted to die to be a dead lump

I knew now if I jumped I would be with my sister
Then everyone came in a worried twister
Crap! I need to jump now or forever hold my peace
I looked back. There were a lot of police

The girl did jump over the side
The anniversary of her sister's death she died
Her sister's death caused her own
This is a family bond that is very strongly shown


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  • 18 years ago

    by Good Enough

    Wow... i finally am able to read your poems... very nice.

    keep up the good writing and comment back...luvvs ya

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