The Slaughter

by xXxAngelEyes007xXx   Feb 2, 2007

The screams
The shouts
Can't you feel their pain
the squeals
the shrieks
can't you hear them suffer
the torture
the slaughter
can't you see it
can't you hear it
can't we help
can't we save them
you hear of it
and turn the other way
you see it and do nothing
but it's there
it's not going away
the abuse
the torture
still no end

Animal abuse is wrong but if we stand together we can make it end


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  • 17 years ago

    by katrina porter

    I totally agree with this one marie

  • 18 years ago

    by Amygirl

    I love it. Im happy that someone said somthing about animal abuse.5/5

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