
by ashley   Feb 2, 2007

Home was safe and happy place.
Until the day bad news came.
My heart stopped beating.
And my hands trembled.
The fact that she was gone hit me.
Making me choke with grief.
A grief that hits dead center of my heart.
She was the only one I knew as "Grandma."
Though she was an old friend of the family.
Seeing her lay so still and peaceful.
Sends tears to my eyes.
A deep urge to touch her wrinkled hand.
But fear over laps the urge.
For I wasn't sure what I would feel.
My heart broke when they lied her in her internal resting place for the first time.
Tears come freely now.
Like a statue crying in the rain.
At home everything was dark in my eyes.
Depression hit me hard.
Knocking me off my feet.
Hardly smile.
Hardly laugh.
I couldn't be happy.
Not for a second.
Not for a minute.
Not for a day.
All if it went down the drain.
To never be found again.
Leaving me empty inside.
Her smile is fading away.
With alot of my feelings.
But all is in my heart.
In a chest.
Waiting to burst open at any moment.
For months I cried.
Now I'm all teared out.
My last moments with her keeps replaying in my minds eye.
It seemed just like the day before.
But realty calls.
I have to go.
Leaving my day dream.
My moment of happiness.

In loving memory of Nancey Casper.


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