That Dream.

by Krzysztof J   Feb 3, 2007

The wind was cold,
And i was bare,
The rain was falling,
As i stood there.

The cliff was high,
As i looked down,
And saw the waves,
Trying to tear it down.

The lightning cracked,
Just overhead,
The moon was hiding,
The night was dead.

The ocean called,
The wind did too,
'Just one more step,
You'll be home soon'.

The was a whisper,
There in the air,
A lil voice,
I did know well.

'You saved me once,
I'm here with you,
My soul is happy,
Because of you'.

She shed a tear,
And called my name,
Thats all it took,
There in the rain.

I woke up drenched,
I smelled of salt,
It was just a dream,
But her voice was not.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Polly

    Wow this is such a great poem, it seems really honest and i love the descriptions and the way it tells a story, 5/5
    - polly

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    As always sweets, your poems are right from the heart and i can't help but keep wishing that one day all the hurt will be lifted from you.

  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    i hav never seen anything soooo deep. this poem grabed me. it got me full atition. keep writing:)

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    Nice poem i loved the wording it was really good your an excellent poet keep it up love always kaila

  • 18 years ago

    by kiara

    Hey this was so sad i just adored the description you used in this poem so very very sad
    great job 5/5

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