SEE U AS A FRiEND...:'-(

by T3ARDR0PZ*   Feb 3, 2007

I really got 2 like u
i really got to care,
i guess i was so wrong,
thinking u would be there,

you tell me its whatever with the girl u love,
but ya got back together so i guess ain't all that bad,

tell me how to forget you,
if i could hardly get away from you
trust me Ive tried to forget you,
but it only makes me remember you,

its hard to say but deep in my heart i wish you good luck,
& hope this break up ya had makes both of ya know how much love ya got,

you dint know how much u meant to me,
& whenever u feel down u can always count on me,

I'm not going to regret nothing,
because at that moment it really meanted something,

i guess this is the end,
& wish you the best,
is going to be hard to see u as only a friend...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    Awww cute just like some of my poems
    i gave it a 5
    Thanks for the comment