
by Erica Jovie©   Feb 3, 2007

There you be
looking in her eyes
stading next to her
to far to say goodbye

Your fingers laced in hers
you softly kiss her head
promises un kept
words left un said

Behind every tear a secret
from the heart you shattered then
the girl that gave you everything
you've forgotten in the end

Truth hidden in the dark
scars left unshown
a friendship forsaken
United now alone

Memories are fading
as right and wrong are lost
two lives changed forever
neglected of the cost

Forever lost in yesterday
with pieces of our hearts
once fit together perfectly
yet now so far apart

Questions left unanswerd
a new love left unshared
pushing away the only
ones who truely cared

Sacred smiles buried
a friendship put in the ground
Singing now is silenced
as no more hope is found

She fights back the tears
that well up in her eyes
every time she see's him
and tries to say goodbye

Real and innocent
is how is began
Crying, lies, and pain
finally mark the end.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Elaine90


  • 18 years ago

    by Elaine90

    Emy I need you. Life f'n sucks. It is soooo hard right now. I truely am in love I know it. It is so different then ne thing else I have eva felt. I miss him so much. I snuck out to go see him. We love each other. When Im 18 I will be with him again. I love you and miss you and NEED you, Love Ashley

  • 18 years ago

    by Elaine90

    TEXAS! wow thats cute!lol!!! Ok so life pretty much sucks right now. I hate it. My rents made me and Blaine break up because we had a few friends that used to smoke. My rents also pulled me out of school because they think I am hangin with the wrong crowd. w/e it F'n sucks. One of my good friend is Pregnant. Scary huh. well I betta let ya'll(lol) go. Love ya lots Miss ya tons Love Ashley

  • 18 years ago

    by MzLonely

    WOW! BEAUTIFUL i luv it!!! its really gud...keep up de gud work =D