
by Hannah   Feb 3, 2007

Watched from afar
Always from a distance
Always silent, never speaking
Not one word
She smiles at him
But he ignores her

She cries herself to sleep
Asking herself why she's always treated this way?
Is it because I'm ugly
Am I not smart?
Because even if I'm not any of those things
I can be your shoulder baby
The one you can lean one when you feel your about to fall down
I can be you comfort
When she turns you down

I'm one phone call away
Just like 4th grade
Where we used to hang out and played
What happened to us?
Why did we drift apart?
Wasn't it just yesterday we were playing in the park?

Did I change or did you?
Because last time someone mentioned my name all you said was "Who?"

Did I really mean that little?
Did you really not care?
Cause there used to be a time where you used to there.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bloomed Rose

    We all have times like that, don't we?man, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. 5/5