The Beat of My Song

by kiesha   Feb 3, 2007

Untangling the cord from around my ear
The headphone makes a quick trip to a foreign body
They want to know what song is playing
But the very thing I'm listening to is something they'll never hear

My headphone is handed back to me not after too long
The words, "Cool tunes" comes from their mouths
These small encounters in time mean nothing at all
For I am the only one who marches to the beat of this song

Beautiful and enthralling, yet painful all the same
The aorta-like headphone cords pump lyrics full of meaning to my heart
But to them it's just another sound amidst all the noise
To them it is nothing more than a game

My song is not on the billboards, it's not what you'd call a hit
Many would skip to the next song or change the station
But my CD player is programmed REPEAT 1
My tuning button fell off, the station remains, I don't change it

Some are so curious...they want to know but never ask
And every day thousands of people pass me by, thinking I'm in the way
But none stay long enough to figure out the meaning
They just hurry and run off to continue their busy tasks

Sometimes I seem to grow weary and start to be lured away
By the other music I hear that seems so inviting
The batteries run low or the reception gets bad
But I go back to my song so I can keep true to what I say

I often wonder if anyone will want to listen to the whole thing
Instead of wandering off before the first verse ends
But for now I keep walking, both headphones in my ears
Smiling at all the faces as I burst out loud and continue to sing


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    Nice use of words i liked it alot
    *loved* 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Wow. That was pretty cool. I enjoyed that poem very much. The meaning in this poem is awesome. "Everyone sings to their own song" I love that analogy with life. Life is music. Art in general is the best way to express yourself, it helps you so much.

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