Forever and always-

by A girl broken until   Feb 3, 2007

A boy and a girl were sitting together in a park having a picnic dinner at eight Pm . The girl spoke tears coming from her eyes,
-Remember when I said Id be with you forever?-
The boy nodded
-I lied. We cannot be, we are too different. I love you and always will no matter what and I will always watch over you from afar.-
The boy was speechless, he ran away holding back the tears.

The next morning the girl was found dead in the park in the same spot she was when she broke up, tear stains over her dress. The police found no cause for her death, locals said it was a broken heart. The police allowed the boy to have a look in her room. He found her diary and read the last entry.

Dear Diary,
I had a strange dream last night, He died, and I could not take the grief he was my one and only. If I died he would feel the same, I do not want to hurt him. I love him.

The boy read the note over and over again. He walked to the park and looked into the moon light.

-I love you too, forever and always-
after saying this he wrote a note and stabbed himself in the heart

His note said
Dear Diary,
I must be with her she is my one and only, I cant live with out her. If she cannot live neither can i.I love her.Forever and always.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Guy and Shar

    Wicked love for this poem.. tho it was hard to read it tho..