
by Jeremy B   Feb 3, 2007

In life, to gain one must give up something of equal or greater value. This is the first law of equivalent exchange. Equivalent exchange only applies to obtaining good. Life is not fair. You can give without receiving, but cannot gain without giving. Life sucks, and it always will. Only you can change things. You may not have the ability to change your life or your situation, but you always have the ability to change your outlook upon it. If you fail life, you are doomed to repeat it. Not the belief of reincarnation, mo so the theory that life itself will repeat. If you are to fail on a test given by life, life will send the test to you one again. Not in the exact form or exact situation, but one of similar proportion to the one failed. Happiness is overrated. Happiness can be found in the most bizarre of things. One decides in their mind what makes them happy. Falling in love with another or someone dying can bring on happiness. It is only a figment of the imagination.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Animus

    All I can say is:
    Wow, that is so true.