A guy best friend

by melody   Feb 3, 2007

I'm not gunna sit here and tell you that I'm in love with you
nor am i gunna tell you that i don't like you
but what i can tell you is that i do care about you
and whether you want to or not...you care too

theres always going to be times where we'll be sick of each other
and say just leave me alone
but theres also those times that we'll hang out
and its just the two of us in our own little world

you can deny deny and deny however many times that you want
but you know i know
and you know you do
you like me too

i see the way you look at me
and the way you get jealous
theres also those times when you run into the bathroom to fix your hair
and when I'm with a guy you just stare

you try to hide your feelings
and start to insult whoever I'm with
you try to act all tough
but you forget that i know everything about you....i know the truth

you get so annoyed
that my world doesn't revolve around you anymore
that i don't get upset now when you get mad
but get over it cuz we're older now

we've been best friends for a very long time
and we yelled at each other a lot
but we always seemed to just blow it over
like nothing even happened

we grew apart
but mended back together
our parents have always predicted
that we'd be friends forever

but things change
and i can't promise you that I'm not going to hate you
i know you can't say it either
but things will work out

no matter how far apart we are from each other
i still think about you
your the only guy who can get me so mad at you
and than make me forgive you so quickly


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    Awww that was really good. yea my best friends are ALL guys but its easier not to "fall in love "with them if u look at them more like brothers than ur best friend but idk. nice write i liked it was good. 5/5 always


  • 18 years ago

    by dest

    Wowo i love that poem