
by Maddeline   Feb 3, 2007

Waking up in a pool of shame,
kept company by distorted thoughts, and what you can only hope was just dreams.
Holding your red face inside your palms, trying hard to stifle the screams.
If a lesson was learned here, it is fading away quickly.
The smell of mistakes is reeking so thickly.
You try to reject this killer poison, but soon enough you won\'t care.
A phone call away from a terrible problem, an action away from hate.
One single thought away from destruction, all it takes is a taste.
Everyday starts off with hope, but slowly turns to haste, as you fall down that road you despise so much, thinking to yourself, \"what a waste\".
So here we are, all wanting so much as everything fades away.
Telling ourselves over again, \"I\'ll beat this thing someday\".


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  • 18 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    What an inreresting situation you write here 5/5