Walk in the Garden

by Jeremy B   Feb 3, 2007

I walk alone in my garden of sorrow
I walk yesterday, today, tomorrow

One day a man asked if he could join me
I replied, "I don't want to depress thee

"On my walk there's many hardships and troubles
"In this garden there's much garbage and rubble

"Rubble of my past, that shows of my future"
But I granted Him His requested tour

I showed Him the river, and the war ruins
Yet it seemed that something was bothering Him

He said He knew a way to help me in might fight
I looked at Him in shock, but replied "Alright"

I wondered why He'd even bother
I continued my thoughts as he told me of His Father

He told me about Heaven
And when I die I can go and live with Him there

He told me of the laws by which I must abide
And how to avoid Satan's sinful rising tide

Then he described His painful death
And how earth only has moments left

Then He said I must repent of my sins
And to do my best to never do them again

He said He wants to be my friend
And He'll help to change my awful life from the sinful way it's been


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  • 18 years ago

    by Dark Demise

    This was one of my favs that u sent me in the emails, I already read it but great poem,