To Show My Love

by Dovad   Feb 3, 2007

Fine Wine and Jewelry?

All the money in the world?

What is it to give to her, to show her she's my world.

Diamonds and Rubies?

Or some other fancy things?

What can I possibly do, to show her that she is my wings?

My heart beats for her

One Bump, Two Bump, Three

One look from her...

And then I realize the best things to give are free.


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  • 18 years ago

    by :Staci:::..

    I love you with all my heart sweetie. don't let that other message scare you, or maybe you should? lets say that is my mind all the time lately, k?

    I love you David... forever and ever

  • 18 years ago

    by :Staci:::..

    I miss you more... So bad... I think about you constantly. We had to do an activity in World History Honors, and she would say a word and we had to write down the first thing we thought about it and one of the things made me write down you... and she only asked 2 things =) It made me sad though because I miss you. chronology almanac playwright thesaurus biography inter library loan opac onling public access catalog domain url opposing viewpoints issues and controversies fact author dictionary memoir encyclopedia fiction paraphrase evaluation atlas summarize critical thinking synthesize analyze query abstract search strategy boolean search. that was on the wall in front me of, and i didn't look at my typing and i did pretty good for accuracy. i kissed ians girlfriend today and she kissed me. i told ian. he says he doesn't doubt that. and he's ditching his girlfriend to play wow... we need to play with him more often. jk. he's not. he's flipping out at me cuz he's not going to he just thought about not hanging out with her but now he is and i can't tell her or she'll get pissed then ian will hate me cuz he sucks at WOW!!!!!! he says my head is warm and smells kinda good. michelle is here too. she says 'cuz i like it' hahahaha. ian says he knows how to get her motor running. and he's humping my chair. (in feminine high pitched voice) I AM NOT HUMPING YOUR CHAIR! im not humping... this is a high pitched manly voice and he's still humping....... ahhh schoool.... copyright 2001-2007 by poems and quotes. and yes im not on crack. im tired. and i miss you. and i love you. and there is so much moving here and bumping and touching and feeling and talking. and ian says 'i am so freaking hot' and HE JUST TOUCHED MICHELLE'S BUM!!!!!!! and your not going to get the references and be all like... not the references to her butt... wait?? wait?? what??? michelles buts... wow... butt*** Michelle is SKINNY. I WILL KILL YOU ALL SHE'S NOT FAT IAN THOTTBOTT YOU HAVE A FUNNY ID BURNYHAM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I THINK ITS KINDA AMUSING HAHAHAH THERES A MOUTH SUCKING MY HEAD AAAAH I ADDED DAVID TO MY UMMM UH MYSPACE YESTERDAY IAN YOU HAVE A MYSPACE YOU WONT ADD ME I DIDDNT THINK YOU DID IAN ADD ME HAHA HA HEH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ITS HOT AND IT TICKLES WHO AM I TICKINLING THIS TO WHO AM I TICKLING THIS TO WHO AM I SENDING THIS TO HE WAS FOLLOWING ME EARLIER AND SHES PETTING MY EYE MMM MAKE UP HE WAS COMING AFTER ME ITS HOT AND THEY'RE BREATHING I DONT HILKGILFDSK LIKE IT TIAR COLD COLD COLD COLD BOOBS ALMOST BOOBS SUBMIT STACI GOING TO DO IT CUZ IM BORED HAHA LOOK AT YOUR HAIR IT LOOKS LIKE YOU GOT IN THE WIND PET PET PET PET PET PET PET PET SO SEB TONIGHT SEARCH FOR ME NO BOOBS NOW SHES IAN HES IN BLEEDING HOLLOW RIGHT THATS THE ONLY THING I KNOW ITS NOT ME ITS RED HEADED AND LONGER AND DEAD HAHEHEAHAHEHAHEHAHEHAHE TCK CF M DCX MXC MKX CXMKJHOL STACI HAS WORLD OF WARCRAFT YOU DONT YOU FREAK GET IT BACK ORGImmar is right here the barreNs IS I HAVE THE burning crusade you suck haha erin i love you i feel like six year old did you get bored doodlebop its from yeah sweet hmmm hey iean waht tie is it what time do we go to the assembly do we have to take our stuff and everything no i have normally my hair is going to get hoorrible again it wont grrrrrrrr it wont let me zoom in im going to get messed up in here

    the end is yello
    yello has a w
    but not my yello

    but it is yellow too
    that sucks

    i think i have to go to twirp assembly and watch all the skanks have sex in front of the whole school. i dont like skanks.

    and im not on crack

    im sorry im queer. im bored and so sleepy and tired.

    yeah... i love you though
    even though im not not real crack

    i dont take drugs. but i take cake

    i'd shoot it up if i could




    im a fat kid

  • 18 years ago

    by :Staci:::..

    I love you so much...

  • 18 years ago

    by :Staci:::..

    I think i should... im really out of it.

    please email the pics

    i love you sweetie...
    good night...

    talk to you again soon.........

    i love you with all my heart

  • 18 years ago

    by :Staci:::..

    Please do.. i miss you more and love you more...