Razor Blade

by Kristina   Feb 4, 2007

Razor blade so shiny and sharp,
Across my wrist you slide,
As blood drips down my arm,
I know you have done your job.

When all I feel is pain,
You help me overcome it,
Making all my problems fade away,
Because you are my best friend.

You know just what to do,
To help me make it through,
You are always here for me,
When I need something to rely on.

Cutting so deep in my arm,
Making me feel numb,
All my problems have disappeared,
For you have protected me well.

Copyright © February 03, 2007 - Kristina M


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  • 18 years ago

    by Personality2

    Wow thats a reali gud poem i would hate to think that you really do cut yourself because i'd hate to think that there reali is sum1 else out der like me hu has so much pain that they have to cut them selfs to feel relief. you got a lot of talent with writting poem. please read sum of myn

  • 18 years ago

    by lillie

    Wow this poem is full of emotion pretty cool peom. :D
    You can check out my poems if you'd like :)

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    This is very good. I loved the descriptions you put in. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    Great poem! i liked dis 1, :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    This is dark and twisted, but an excellent poem. i loved the honesty and bluntess of it, well done