Tell Me Baby....

by Jovanna   Feb 4, 2007

Tell me baby, whats so special about her?
What makes her unique and better than me?

She wasn't the one who brought you soup when
you felt under the weather.
She wasn't the one who helped you through bad times
when it seemed like they lasted forever.

I was there for you though it all.
I was the one who you talked to about

Maybe thats just what it was.
Maybe i just made myself TOO AVAiLABLE to you.
&& maybe it was because you took
every minute of time with me for granted.

But baby I'm not your call girl or the rebound chick
that you come back to when all else fails.

I'm the girl that you should of been with from the beginning.
I'm the girl that gives much more than you deserve
and doesn't expect anything in return
because she just loves to see that gorgeous smile
on your face when your happy.
I'm the girl that cares about you
way more than she should.

Why should I have to run a mile
and She only has to walk an inch?
Tell me baby, is that fair?


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany

    I like it

  • 18 years ago

    by leinhart

    U know maybe it will take him some time to see the one who really cares for him, good job btw!

  • 18 years ago

    by Carley

    Wow i love it.... sounds familiar...