Nothing is Real

by lovely   Feb 4, 2007

Love is fake
it's an illusion
fate is a myth
it's not real
nothing is real

we live in a nothing world
filled with wants
and no needs
but wants become needs

love... blasphemy
how can some trust a heart
it lies like everything else

there is no truth
because lies dominate

if there is no beginning
is there an ending

everything has some falsehood
nothing is real
life is just in the mind
there is no reality

what lies
can be spoken
that haven't been before

time is non existent
this is all so fake
nothing is real


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  • 17 years ago

    by Filledwithjoy

    I absolutely dont agree with it. It is so bveautifully written and deep and fluent and all that other normal stuff but it has mesaning and oyu can see hwta you are saying. well done!

  • 17 years ago

    by CaptainEmoVenom

    Nothing is ever real... Till you believe


  • 17 years ago

    by Lenny

    That poem is real...
    Heh. Good job. Lovely pessimistic voice.

  • 18 years ago

    by Hatori

    I agree, this is a deep and powerful poem, keep on writing!!

  • I loved it. Very deep and kinda sad.

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