My Head or my Heart?

by Pain Remains   Feb 4, 2007

Nothing ever changes,
Don't know why I thought it would,
You've left me with this pain,
Can't hate you but I should,

You do it every time,
Play around with my heart,
Don't want me to leave when we're together,
But don't miss me when we're apart,

It shouldn't be like this,
This isn't how it's meant to be,
I don't want to play second best,
I want our love to set us free,

But that's just a dream isn't it,
Shame that it's not true,
As all my heart ever says,
Is that I'm so in love with you,

But my head tells me differently,
My head says don't go back,
Why do you let him treat you like this?
Your mentality he will crack,

He will send you over the edge,
As he plays his little game,
He will leave you with a broken heart,
And pain is what will remain,

But my head is a little behind,
As I let my heart lead the way,
And now my head is shouting at me,
See what did I say?

Yes my head was right again,
I'm left with a broken heart,
I'm crying tears of stinging pain,
My soul has shattered apart,

But when will my heart finally be right,
When can love lead the way?
Maybe for me it can never happen,
So in this pain I'll always stay.


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  • 17 years ago

    by ...

    Hey this is beautiful
    i hate the fight between head and heart
    keep it up, you write beautifully

  • 18 years ago

    by girl

    I LOVE THISS!&& it might be my favorite! :D keep it up 5//5