Will you be there

by Troubled Dreams   Feb 4, 2007

Will you be there for my graduation for high school and college.
Will you be there on those days?

Will you be there when I walk down the aisle.
Will you look at me and smile.
Will you be there on my wedding day?

Will you be there in the hospital birthing room.
Will you be there the day my child is born?

Will you be there to see me make my own family, to see your own grandchildren walk.
Will you be there on those days.

Will you dad I need to know.
Will you be there I have always wondered.
Will you keep me guessing or will you never be there.

Will you dad I need to know?


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  • 18 years ago

    by amoxi

    This was a very deep and heartfelt poem i understand what its like not having a dad so i can relate i reeally liked this poem good job

  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Aww! That was a very cute poem. I hope your father is there on every special day you have.

    I loved the emotion, the depth, and the heart you put into this one. Nice work :]