Dear Grandma

by mary wheeler   Feb 4, 2007

I miss you so much.
You were the one who was always there for me. You always put my needs before anyones.You were the only one who understood me. The only one who truely loved me and took care of me when no one else did. But now your gone and I don't have that one person to come home to after-school and tell you everything that happened. Or call you early in the morning while walking to school. And when i use to come home from dances and you'd be waiting up for me, so i could tell you everything that happened and who i danced with. You were the one who always told me I looked beautiful no matter what i was wearing. You were the one that even though we argued and got upset at each other, I could always come back to you and you'd still love me. But I know your happier now and someday we'll be together once again up in heaven and never be apart. I know right now your looking down on me and will always be watching over me. I just want to say I love you and see you soon.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Adriana

    Awee beautiful poem...I also know how you feel cuz i have lost alot of people that i truely love!! but great poem...5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by The lil angel

    Awww cute poem I know how it feels to loose someone you truly love.......