Parent Killer

by OHgreenman   Feb 5, 2007

As I stand in the doorway
My parents seemed to stare.
The anger within me
I just couldn't bare.

The anger just kept building
Higher and higher it grew.
My temper was at tops
And somehow they knew.

They ran from me
And went upstairs.
I knew they hid
But where?

As I looked up the staircase
I could see shadows.
I heard faint whispers
Then I heard, "No!"

There stood my dad
With gun in hand.
What was he doing?
I just don't understand.

Now the memories
Flash back in my mind.
The beatings and torture
That I just can't put behind.

The nights I begged them to stop
All the nights I cried out.
I can remeber the pain
But what was it all about?

My dad he screamed and shouted
As I moved slowly up the stairs.
The gun went off beside me
But I didn't care.

His eyes were full of tears
As he watched me walk.
His mouth parted and said,
"Son, can we talk?"

I heard what he said
But I didn't pay any attention.
As I took my last step
And lunged for the gun.

We both fell to the ground
With the gun in our grip.
The gun went off as we rolled
And the bullet went in his hip.

He layed on the ground
With those tears in his eyes.
But I pulled the trigger
And yelled, "Die, b***h! Die!"

I knelt down beside him
Blood running down the stairs.
I looked in his face
And he had a funny stare.

The expression on his face
As he layed there and died.
Was asking me a question
"Why did you do it, why?"

I stood looking down at him
As I laughed inside.
I heard a whimper from the bedroom
As my mom started to cry.

She knelt down beside him
With head in her hands.
She looked straight in my eyes
As she started to stand.

The look in her eyes
Was scaring me so.
I wanted to kill her
And she seemed to know.

As we looked in each others eyes
The past was coming back to me.
All of the beatings
That's all I can see.

The belt striking me
With such great force.
I saw my dad's face
And then again hers.

As we stood and stared
She pushed me against the wall.
She ran down the stairs
After she saw the gun fall.

As I layed on the floor
Hearing her run.
I got on all fours
And crawled to the gun.

I picked the gun up
And then I stood.
I started after her
As fast as I could.

I ran down the stairs
And looked all around.
She was hiding good, for
She was nowhere to be found.

I looked in the kitchen
And there she stood.
With knife in her hand
Wondering if she would.

The look on her face
Was wild and strange.
She wanted to stab me
But I was out of range.

She charged at me
Knife raised over her head.
Then I pulled the trigger
And said, "You're good as dead!"

The sound of the gun
Made a loud pop.
As the blood trickled
And the body dropped.

As she laid on the floor
She gave me a cold stare.
That told me she loved me
And that it wasn't fare.

Now I sit and wonder
Why did I do it for.
As I look at my parents
Lying dead on the floor.

I can feel their presence
As I sit in the chair.
Kicking and scratching
And pulling at my hair.

Both of them crying
And calling my name.
I'm running from nothing
Am I going insane?

I ran through the house
Trying to get away.
They are trying to kill me
There must be a better way.

Here they come after me
They're right outside the door.
I scream and yell
'Cause I can't take anymore.

I take the gun in my hand
And placed it to my head.
"Now pull the trigger."
That's what my voice said.

So I held my breath
And I closed my eyes.
I said my prayers
And my last goodbyes.

I pulled the trigger
And fell with a thud.
Everything went dark
As I hit the rug.

*Note: Thank you for taking the time to read this as it is very long. This is something I wrote when I was 17yrs. old. (21yrs. that's a long time ago) I just wanted to share this with all of you since this was the first poem I wrote that actually got regonized in a contest. This piece was entered by my English teacher into a state competition where I placed second. The guy who sat in front of me took first place.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Cuddles

    You deserved first. This is excellent. Sadly, there are people that are actually this way so the reality of it can scare the right person a bit, but all reality aside this is an incredible poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by ed stewart

    Well done well done i love you