Silent Murder

by Simply Complex   Feb 6, 2007

The sky is dark
The sun is gone
The moon is bright
The stars shine on

The rain has stopped
The clouds have shifted
The sun will rise
The waves will crash

The blood-soaked knife
Will be cleaned and put away
The stains removed
The body gone

All traces erased
A girl no one will miss
A murder still free
Yet the world still spins.


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  • 18 years ago

    by jason

    It started out really good my favorite part was the beggining and thats the msot important part the only part jsut as important is the end but the whole poem was good jsut remember u want your begginnings and ends to be the best part of your poem = ] and the middle should all fall in place between them

  • 18 years ago

    by Braeden Monks

    Trippy and kinda fantaskic, i like the flow and the style is different than most

    hurray for anti-convential(sp?)


  • 18 years ago

    by Eric

    Thats kinda a nice poem eather suicidel or homacidal lol but yea ... must have had some one in mind when you were writeing it ...

  • MEL!!!
    It flows so well its a great peom keep up the good work i love how you express the pain and everything ur a great poet!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Ray the emo i am

    Very Very well written mel You should publish a book i mean it. Your a great writer mel dont stop writing and always tell me when you got a new one thanx love yaz bye!