The Judged and the Judgemental

by Deaths Maiden   Feb 6, 2007

See the girl that sits alone,
She seems so empty and sad,
Does she cry all the time?
Is she fixed to the shadows?
She always shrouds herself in black.

She sees them gazing at her,
Intimidated by their stares,
Nothing nice to say,
They’re always judgmental,
If only they weren’t so blind.

She’s nothing but an attention seeker,
Notice the scars on her wrists?
She’ll never be one of us,
Wallowing in her pain.
Who is she trying to impress?

If only they could see inside her
Is she what they say she is?
The darkness she posses perhaps needs to be healed.
What they see on the outside is it really on the in?
Are they that secrete that they don’t want to know?

She’ll never be something,
She’ll fade away,
Nothing but an image in the corner of our eyes.
It makes us laugh, knowing what she is,
She’ll never see it through.

There always lies a doubt,
Of how often this goes on,
It must be so lonely,
For the souls who wish to share their thoughts,
Of what that soul became.

Fear lies in those who hate,
Approach them and see,
Get to know them, before you speak to soon,
And perhaps then you will see,
Who truly is the Judged and the Judgmental.

~By Raven Tears~ (Copyright2007ã)


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  • 18 years ago

    by broken reflection

    5/5 wow I completely get this poem - and it's so true again just wow!