Better Off Alone

by Brian n Josh   Feb 7, 2007

I'm alone in this world
And I like it this way
By myself is how it is
And by myself is how it'll stay

I don't need anyone,
To call me on the phone
To chat with me for hours
To make me feel not so alone

I don't need anyone,
To hold me when I'm down
Cheer me up when I'm sad
Make me smile when I frown

I don't need anyone,
To take a walk with me
Talk about the little things in life
To laugh and smile with glee

I don't need anyone,
To tell me it'll be OK
That everything will get better
My problems will fade away

I don't need anyone,
To tell me they love me
I don't need to feel loved
I just want to feel free

Free from other people
Free from what they feel
Free from the effect they have on me
On my own I'll heal

So what are people for?
Caring? Talking to? Holding you? Talking on the phone?
Why would I want any of these things?
I'm better off being alone...



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  • 17 years ago

    by nering

    Hey me again, your form of poetry is rocken and makes perfect sense but hey i am here even if you say you dont need anyone, e-mail me
    later renee

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany

    I loved this poem. You are a good writer.

  • 18 years ago

    by xTearsxOfxSilencex

    Oh my gosh i LOVE it! it was a really good poem!! ahh it was really good... keep up the good work
