Beacuse Of The Brave

by UnSpokenPromises   Feb 7, 2007

Down a tired, broken street
A lonely soldier cries
Writing a lost love letter
Just trying to get by

The kids back home have no idea
but through the pain, the blood
and tears
We stay strong and carry on
We know one day we'll fight it

" keep me in your prayers" he said
" because even though im gone
never shed a tear, one day we'll be together, away from all the fear "

He folded it up and placed it close to his heart
Said a quiet little prayer
Picked up his gun
And into the rubble he parts.

He knows that someday he'll be back home
and even if he doesn't make it alive
They'll know he did what he had to do
and be thankfull for those that survived

The world goes on
As we stay strong
They face there grave
For a land of the free
Because of the BRAVE


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  • 18 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    Well written qnd understandable keep writing i will read more as time permits

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessie

    Well Sara...every relationship is hard to explain in one way or another...if you want you can always talk to me about it...even tho we have no idea who eachother is...but we are both girls and are/has gone/going thru this stuff...i have gone thru ALOT and guys honestly have no clue what they put us thru...but if you would like advice or want to talk then you can talk to me...i have most likely been thru everything and much much more so im here if ya need advice...or just need to talk...
    Much Love