Best Friend

by Spiker 03   Feb 7, 2007

A friend is someone who is there for you
when you need to let them know your secrets
a friend is someone you can turn to
and not have any regrets

A friend is someone that you can rely on
to push you to the end
a friend is someone who won't be gone
because they found a new friend

A friend is someone who backs down to the fight
and says is it worth losing you?
a friend is someone who does you right
and realize its something you both don't wanna do

A true friend will appreciate the small things you do
and everything you say
a true friend well theres very few
and i know i want mine to stay


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  • 18 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    A good friend is hard to find, but when you find one you'll be glad you held on to them

    your servant:

  • 18 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    And says is it worth losing you? i just wanna let u know there is nothing worth losing u! ur an awsome frined i seriously dont know what id whithout u
    but ne ways i LOVE this poem even though its prob about some1 like Dumb dumb or something..haha ok 5/5 always ur best friend..
    milk dud