
by King of The Elements   Feb 7, 2007

How'd we get where we are today?
How'd we fall apart?

I know the answers
I messed things up
Thats what i seem to do
I really don't have a clue
Why i do it
Its a mystery

As soon as something gets good i mess it up
Why do i do it
I wish i knew

Then i would be back to my true happiness
The one not filled with drugs
Even with another guy if your happy I'm happy

How i got this way i wish i knew
What i did to you..
i still wonder why you talk to me
Though every time you do feel like talking its a feeling truly unexplainable

I'm sorry i did what i did i thought it would make you happy
I guess i was wrong
I'm always wrong..


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  • 18 years ago

    by Destiny Marie Babyy

    Baby boy, u dont screw nothing up, people make mistakes and thats understandable. but just know that i love you and no matter how many mistakes u made/make i will always be herre for u, i will always love you baby, and thats a fact. as it goes ill be ur shoulder to cry on, the one u rely on. I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART!!!!

    Love always n forever babe,
    Ur baby gurl Dessie

  • 18 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Good poem....some grammar errors and then tje endin is choppy but otherwise good.

  • 18 years ago

    by hippiehxc

    OMFG. Who is this forrrrrrrrr? I love itttttttt. And you're not ALWAYS wrong. People make mistakes. Goodness, don't beat yourself up so much.

    Love, Grace.

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