The Same Old Thing (How Many Times)

by PassingAngel   Feb 8, 2007

How many times am I gonna have to go through this
This feeling I just can't dismiss
Yeah, he let me down again
But I still don't want this to be the end

I'm just so sick and tired of this
And it hurts cause you're always the one I miss
But I can't take it anymore
It just isn't the same as before

The problem is I just can't let you go
But every time I try, my heart just screams no.
And I think that you should know
That even though I love you,
I don't think we'll make it through

We tried so many times already
And I know that you love me
But I'm sure you've figured out by now
That even if it could work out, we just don't know how.

How many times are you gonna apologize to me
How many times am I gonna pretend to believe
How many rock bottoms am I gonna hit
Before I realize that you ain't even worth it

I'm just so damn worn-out
You know, I've had enough
And now I think we both know
That we should just let each other go

But even if I try to take a step forward
I can't do it cause it's just too hard
And even though I try to walk away,
It's impossible for me cause there's still so much to say.

You probably think ignoring me will help you forget
But you know you can't do it, not now, not yet
Just know that I'm not tired of you
I'm just tired of the things you do

Because I've been putting up with it for so long
And you just don't seem to realize,
That what you're doing is wrong.
You know that you're hurting me
But you just won't stop and you just can't see

You don't learn from what you're doing
Cause the stuff you do, boy you ain't quitting
It's like a bad habit you can't give up
And the thoughts you give me are making my mind corrupt

This just doesn't seem to be working
And us being together, just doesn't seem to be happening
Yeah, I just want us to be happy,
Even if that means you're not gonna be with me..

© PassingAngel


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  • 17 years ago

    by repair her heart

    Very well expressed. you did a really neat job in getting the feeling through to the reader. you could feel the way that this feeling is consuming this person. you just made it easy to explain how hard it was to love some1 so much that you allow them to hurt you over and over. good job very very deep.

  • 17 years ago

    by krazybroken925

    I like it :]

  • 17 years ago

    by yungnova

    Wow go yingy u still have it in u unlike me nothin 2 inspire me any more well see u around

  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    WOW, real deep stuff. the emotion just grabs u. gr8 poem:)

  • 18 years ago

    by Kurt

    This was very well written. The emotion and feeling really helped the reader experience a little of your pain. Brilliant job.