How shall I

by MizCrowley   Feb 8, 2007

How shall I comfort her?
When her loves been lost
When he took his own life
Without weighing out the cost

How shall I tell her?
Oh, I could sing a song
Telling her my knowledge
About how her love has gone

How shall I hold her?
Close or far or near
How distant should I stay?
Oh, how I watch her drip a tear

How shall I take her?
To his funeral
She’s wearing a small black dress
With a string of pearl

How shall I know?
If in heaven he shall reign

And how shall I ask her
If she will be the same…


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  • 18 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    I feel this way now a friend was suicied by cops just before christmas left 2 kids and his wife

    great poem well written