That one guy

by kaila   Feb 8, 2007

There is this guy we tore mine and yours frienship apart we use to be so close, we made one pormise i thought we\'d keep boys whutever friends forever i thought it was ture then i found out that night how you started an awful fight. you knew it would hurt me but you didnt care you did what you wanted and not thinking about any one else, i got mad so i did the same then a couple months he dumpes me again, i use to blame it on you but know i see its not are falut its his he told us lies and made us belive that me and you werent ment to be so he ruined are friendship that we poromised wouldnt end. i thought me and you where smarter then this but one guy can ruin a friendship.


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  • 18 years ago

    by kaila

    Ok then

  • 18 years ago

    by Cheris Blair

    Kaila now i change my mind now i say you shouldn't have signed up

  • 18 years ago

    by Danielle

    Great job, pretty intense circumstances. i can relate, please keep it up, your doing great! -danielle