My time has come to say goodbye,
Released from my body I have to die,
Spirits floating freely today,
High above, far far away,
Joining the world of the stars and the moon,
Not much further, I'll be there soon,
Ready again to join in the race,
To pick my body, my time and my place,
Pregnant women screaming loud,
Watch them all from my special cloud,
Trying to chose the nicest one,
After all, you'll be my mum,
You'll be there with me, through bad and good,
We'll have the bond that mother / child should,
So before I chose I'll take my time,
Make sure your right, then make you mine,
Soon as I've chosen I'll rush back down,
Quiet as a mouse I'll make no sound,
Quick as a flash I'll enter your heart,
With a love so strong it'll never depart.