A rock in chaos of life.
Treacherous waters
Dragging you to and fro.
A rock in chaos of life
Remains immobile.
The blundering mistakes of youth,
Walking a path of darkness,
Light of friendship,
Bringing warmth to
Days and nights of Darkness.
You and Me,
Revealing worlds,
Worlds that are shut to those who walk their paths,
Icy mist swirling about our feet.
Fear in the air.
It will all be ok.
For sweetness and laughter;
Permeates the air from lips
You and Me.
Trying to stay one step ahead,
of the,
Mistakes that haunt my past.
Mistakes that will never loose
Their feelings of reality.
Like sounds of a butcher
With his cleaver against the
Grinding stone.
The clashing sounds echoing in my head.
True friends are so important.
Friends that can give
a shoulder to cry on,
Feeling of hope.
To a great friend,
Who has kept my head above the water.