Black and White

by lovedxlost   Feb 8, 2007

I live my life in black and white
I think I always will
My days are either dark or bright
It just depends on how I feel

From movies to books to the clothes that I wear
They all have one common theme
Some people stare because I dare
To be different than I seem

I live my life in black and white
It’s the plain and simple truth
And yet my heart is loving and light
A side-effect of my youth

So why should I just follow the norm?
Will it make life anymore easy?
The sacrifices people make to conform
Make me a little queasy

I live my life in black and white
So what do I do now?
I sleep under the stars at night
Knowing I’ll never change somehow


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  • 18 years ago

    by Milo

    I like this poem, it has style, and it the subject caught my attention

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